Start programming with C #

میثم سهرابی
5 min readJan 12, 2021


If you are interested in the world of programming, you can get a good start by learning the C # programming language.
Why C #? Because this is a powerful, versatile, and highly programming language.
We talk a lot about this language so that you can learn more about the C # programming language and make the right choice for learning. So stay with us.

What you need to know about the powerful C #?

The C # programming language is an example of a Dante language and is used to develop applications.
C # is one of Microsoft’s masterpieces and has attracted a lot of attention in recent years.
An object-oriented programming language with similarities to the C and C ++ programming languages, C # is one of the most widely used programming languages ​​in the world, in addition to its Microsoft uses.
The two main features of C # are its ease and usability, and it is also supported by Microsoft, which is why any programmer is attracted to it. It is possible to use this language for beginners.

Where did the C # design story begin?

The story of C # goes back a long way and was introduced to the world at the beginning of the 21st century.
In 1999, Microsoft decided to build a programming language called C # because of its competition with Java-based maker Sun Microsystems. This language is now known as one of Java’s competitors.
Microsoft first named and developed the Nine programming language COOL, but in 2000 introduced it as C # to commercialize it and introduce it to the world. C # is supported by Microsoft and new versions are provided.
By this year, which is 2020, Microsoft has updated C # 12 times and added its features and quality.

Why was C # invented?

The reason C # was created was nothing but a great need for Microsoft, the large company needed an accurate and easy-to-use programming language to achieve its goals in developing mobile applications, Windows operating systems and other platforms.
Microsoft was looking for a language to use independently for the operating systems it monitors, so it came up with the idea of developing an independent, functional, and easy-to-use programming language.
They were modeled on the C ++ programming language and developed C # within a year from 1999 to 2000.

What are the important uses of C #?

C # language is used in various fields, using this language you can program Windows software, client server applications, database applications, for Android mobile and IOS. You can also use this language to work in the field of game development and robotics.

What are the features of this widely used programming language?

In addition to its wide range of applications, the C # language has many features. Because Microsoft uses this language, it adds new features with each update. We introduce you to the most important features.

Important features of the C # programming language
  1. C # is a high-level language
  2. It has a type of Boolean data and Boolean conditions are established in it
  3. General variables in this programming language cannot be attachment blocks
  4. In updated versions of C #, the Main function can be defined as Async
  5. It is possible to use the word Default to call the default amount of data in it
  6. There is a possibility of automatic garbage collection in this programming language
  7. Using Default, you can easily call the C # Generics section
  8. Ability to use for Multi Threads

What benefits does Microsoft offer C #?

Ability to use it for both mobile and web operating systems

You can easily program for mobile operating systems with a feature called Zamarin, Zamarin is a platform for programming Android and iOS operating systems.

Ability to program web with high power and security

Using technology, you can create professional and high-security websites on the web. is provided by Microsoft and this powerful framework is used for web applications. Using this technology with C # language, you can create web applications. supports various models such as mvc to build web applications.
If you master C # and learn mcv, you can easily develop professional web applications.
This language and technology together are the best option for having a future job.

The benefits that Microsoft has for C #

Ability to access the .net library

C # allows you to access products and features in Microsoft libraries.

Automatic coding error

In many programming languages, it is possible to debug when you have finished writing code, but in C # this is different, you can also check whether the code is written correctly or incorrectly at the same time.

Use of software on different platforms

C # coding allows you to use written programs with minor modifications to develop other operating systems.

Why choose C #?

There are many programming languages ​​to choose from, but why and for what reason should I choose C #?
There are many reasons to choose this programming language that can make our choice easier. These reasons are explained as follows:

Reasons to choose the C # programming language
  1. The possibility of widespread use for various purposes of programming and development of various platforms
  2. Ability to program in the Visual Studio environment
  3. Excellent and global labor market
  4. Access to the net library environment.
  5. It is easier to learn than c and c ++ languages
  6. It has the best capabilities in bit object-oriented programs
  7. C Sharp has multi-platform capability or Cross Platform

Is this programming language right for me?

If you want to enter the sweet and loving world of programming for the first time, C # is the best and most suitable option for you.
C # allows you to develop your software on different platforms, it actually acts like a shortcut we can call it a shortcut programming language.

What software can we make using C #?

1. Software under Windows
2. Mobile applications such as Android and iOS
3. Programming and site design
4. Mac software

What future awaits the C # language?

This programming language is a practical and incomplete language, because Microsoft releases new versions from time to time and adds new features to it.
Therefore, C # is very popular and highly regarded.

Well friends, I hope you get all the questions you were asked about starting programming. Thank you for your support



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